Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study, October 4, 2024
Holy Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church

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Women’s Bible Study, October 4, 2024, 1 Timothy Chapter 1

Highlights & notes for 1 Timothy 1 –The Firm Foundation of Our Faith
How firm a foundation, you saints of the Lord,
is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He has said,
to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?

From Christian Worship Hymnal (2021), #800

Introduction/Objectives of this week’s study (SG, 4 & 71; CSB, Intro to 1 Timothy)

a. By the Holy Spirit’s work through God’s Word we come to faith and we remain & grow in this gift of faith. It is through His Word that we come to understand the importance of sound Christian doctrine, the importance of being taught God’s Word in its truth and purity.

b. It is important that we can recognize false doctrine and how false teachings can so subtly lead us away from the truth of the Gospel, and how very destructive this can be to our faith and in our churches.

c. May we come to appreciate the ministry of God’s Word through pastors who are trained and called by Christ to serve as shepherds, guiding and teaching us through God’s Word, and helping us and encouraging us in this one true faith.

* “The pastoral office is shaped, directed, and determined not by people but by Jesus Christ in accordance with the Gospel.” (SG, p.6)

d.We’ll see here in 1 Timothy that the biggest problem facing this young pastor (and the other pastors he was overseeing) in Ephesus was that of the false teachers, those who were introducing false doctrines into this young church of believers and confusing them. False teachers were trying to rob them of their faith.

2.   1 Timothy 1:1-7, False teachers and their doctrines contrary to true faith in Christ alone

a. vv. 1-2, Opening greeting emphasizing…

1) …Paul’s apostleship – An “apostle” is “one who is ”

* “The one se nt goes with the full authority of the Paul’s words are God’s words… his authority as one appointed directly by the risen Lord, whom he had seen. Paul and the Twelve were called and sent directly by Jesus.” (TLSB, p. 1901)

* As an apostle of Christ Jesus, Paul “wrote this epistle with the authority of Jesus, the Anointed One of God, like the other 12 whom Jesus had chosen and sent out (the meaning of apostle) with His Gospel.” (TPB, p.10)

* “The apostle’s mission was to give unbelievers the light of the Gospel, to tell them the good news about Jesus.” (TPB-Acts, p. 268)

2) “Christ Jesus our hope” (v.1) – “Hope objectively embodied in Jesus is not mere wishful thinking but confident [and certain] expectation.” (TLSB, footnote 1:1)

3) “Timothy, my true child in the faith” (v.2) – Paul had fathered Timothy in the faith and they shared a close and loving relationship. (TPB, p.11)

4)…”Grace, mercy and peace from God… ” (v.2) – Both a prayer & blessing upon Timothy, and the foundation of this faith in “Christ Jesus our Lord.”

b. 3-7, Warning concerning the false teachers…

1) Satan uses false teachers to try to lead Christian believers away from the Truth of God’s saving grace, mercy and Recall our study of Acts 20:28-31, Paul warned the Ephesian elders of the “savage wolves” coming in among their flocks. (TPB-Acts, pp.222-223)

2) These false “teachers” professed knowledge of Scripture, but they really did not know the Truth of God’s Word and thus used Scripture in the wrong way. They would read things into Scripture, twist Scripture, invent stories of “genealogies,” and they would use the Law without understanding its purpose. (SG, p. 14)

3) They were characterized by conceit, being argumentative, talk that was meaningless and foolish, teaching “ascetic practices” (severe self-discipline and self-abstaining practices), and they used their positions of religious leadership for personal financial gain. (CSB, 1:3-11)

4) These false teachers possibly were forerunners of the Gnostics (CSB 1:3-11). “This heresy reached its full development in the second century. Gnostics claimed to have a higher knowledge… that was necessary for salvation. They perverted law and gospel and failed to acknowledge God’s revelation as the only source of truth.” (TPB, 14)

5) False teachers do not promote “God’s work–which is by faith” (v.4). “They contribute nothing to knowing the true God and the salvation He prepared for sinners.” (This is a significant “red flag” of false teachers!) And they claim theirs is “a higher form of Christianity” which they take upon themselves to zealously “teach” others. (TPB,pp.14-15)

6) While false teachers often preach Law, they fail to understand that the Law demands love, which only comes from Christ, …from a sincere faith in Him (v.5). False teaching promotes controversy, but the teaching of “sound doctrine” (which Paul speaks of later) “generates love, love to God and love toward one’s neighbor………………………………………… Only the Gospel with its message of full and free forgiveness cleanses hearts, calms consciences, and leads to a faith that is without hypocrisy.” (SG, p.15; TPB, p.16)

c. Considering “God’s Word for Today” (SG, 15, #9 & #10):

1) (SG, #9) — “What are some of the things that people hear from pulpits where God’s Word is not taught in all its truth and purity?”

* Consider those who add/subtract to Scripture, those claiming new or added revelation: 1) Familiar and historic religious cults/sects; 2) Authors, preachers, teachers who claim personal revelation from God (apart from Scripture), or modern “prophecies” (twisting Scriptures to point to current events or personal agendas, rather than pointing to Christ); 3) Recent and often subtly added “trends” of faith.

*Often teachings in churches today “one can find teaching on life skills, personal finances, or so-called personality inventories and personality types. Others… harp constantly on the Law and teach works righteousness and morality as the essence of Christianity.” (SG, p.72, #9)

2) (SG, #10) — “How do some preachers reveal that they do not understand the Law of God?”

*Those who boast of the Law, “but they show no understanding of the right use of the They prescribe the Law as a means of righteousness and gaining favor with God… Such methods do not promote growth in the knowledge of God’s Word but lead people away from the Gospel. Paul warns all Christians not to listen to such teachers.” (SG, p.72, #10) [Note that often “Christian outrage,” especially on media and on social media, falls into this category of “false teaching,” when wielding Law wrongly and turning people away from the truth of the hope that is ours in Christ Jesus alone.]

2.   1 Timothy 1:8-15, The true & only Source and Foundation of Faith 

a. 8-11, The purpose of the Law and the proper use of the Law: 

1) The Ephesian false teachers were not using the Law properly. They were teaching that the Law could make people righteous before God. “The Law is also the Word of God, and therefore it is good, but it is not able to make a sinner righteous, that is, convert, regenerate, and sanctify him or her.” (SG, p. 72 #11)

2) (SG, #11) — The Law is used properly when it serves the sinner in three ways (as most of us learned in our Catechism, “God’s Law”). (SG, 15 & 72, #11; TPB, pp.18,21; Luther’s Small Catechism, “God’s Law”):

*A curb — Serving outwardly, in the lives of all people (for “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23). “Law with its commands and threats is needed to coerce them into at least a tolerable degree of social order and civic obedience, serving as a restraining curb. When wickedness becomes unbearable, laws are passed to curb it.

“Thus also is God’s law. It was not made for “the righteous.” If there had been no fall, there would have been no need for the law on Mount Sinai. ‘It was added because of transgressions’ (Galatians 3:19). The purpose of the law is not to replace or add to the gracious Gospel promise. As a curb against wickedness, it does not lead to salvation.” (TPB, p.18; Luther’s Small Catechism, pp. 34-36)

*A mirror — “God’s Law also works inwardly, in the hearts of all people, as a mirror by showing us our sin” (Luther’s Small Catechism, p.34). This is a more important purpose. Romans 3:20, “Through the Law we become conscious of sin.”

“The Law was made for the wicked to expose their wickedness. By looking into the mirror of the law we get a reflection of the evil thoughts and sinful actions that have corrupted our hearts and lives. It reveals our true nature.” (TPB, p. 18) It shows our need for a Savior to cleanse us of our wretched sin.

*A guide — “Finally, it has a function that serves only believers in Jesus–it serves as a guide for Christian living.” (Luther’s Small Catechism, p.34) “Can the church then forget about preaching the law? It cannot. Paul says that the law was made ‘for lawbreakers and rebels…’ (1 Timothy 1:9,10)……………….. Who are the lawbreakers?.. ‘All have turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one’ (Psalm 14:3)….. Christians still have an old Adam. They need to confess that they ‘daily sin much and surely deserve nothing but punishment’ [from Martin Luther’s explanation of the Fifth Petition/Lord’s Prayer, Luther’s Small Catechism].

3) Regarding 9, law…for the lawless: “. this is not to be understood in a simplistic way, as though the justified are not to live without Law. God’s Law has been written in their hearts (Romans 2:15 [conscience])……………….. What St. Paul means is that the curse of the Law cannot burden those who have been reconciled to God through Christ. Nor must the Law confuse the regenerate with its coercion, for they have pleasure in God’s Law in the inner man (Romans 7:22 [Jeremiah 31:33])” (Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration VI 5, as quoted in TLSB 1:9; also quoted in TPB, p. 21)

4) Regarding 11, Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Romans 7:15-25). The glorious Gospel of the blessed God (v.11)… “The Good News is that we are saved eternally from the Law’s condemnation through faith in Jesus. It is the only means by which sinners can be cleansed and saved. God is described as “blessed” in the NT only here and in 6:15. He is the source of all blessedness, which He gives to believers through the “sound doctrine” of the Gospel.” (TLSB, 1:11)

b. vv 12-15, The riches of God’s mercy to save sinners, the worst of sinners

1) (SG #12) — Here we see how Paul’s life proves that the Law cannot make a person righteous. Before the Lord had appeared to him on the road to Damascus, and before his conversion, Paul “had grievously offended God, even though he had tried earnestly to live according to the Law. Then when the Lord had revealed His mercy and grace to Paul and assured him of the forgiveness of his sins, the apostle became a different man. The Gospel worked faith in his heart and united him with his Savior.” (SG, p.15)

*Read Philippians 3:4-6; All his life of keeping (using) the Law (in a terribly wrong way), never made Paul His zealousness for the Law, proved him to be the worst of sinners in his persecution of Christ and the early Church.

*Read Philippians 3:7-9; Paul realized the confidence in his heritage and self-righteous works actually interfered with knowing God. “If anyone wants to drag good works into the article of justification, rest his righteousness or trust for salvation on them, and merit God’s grace and be saved by them, St. Paul…says and repeats it three times –such a person’s works are not only useless and a hindrance, but are also harmful. This is not the fault of the good works themselves, but of the false confidence placed in the works, contrary to God’s clear Word.” (TLSB, 3:7; Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration IV 37)

*Paul’s life illustrates that it was not by works of the Law but by the grace of the Lord that he was justified. (SG, p.72, #12)

2) (SG, #13) — in 15, Paul calls himself the worst of sinners! Why?

*”Paul had been a Pharisee, who patterned his life most carefully after God’s law. Paul, however, never forgot that he had been a blasphemer and a persecutor of Christianity [of Christ and His Church]…………………………………………. Paul had rebelled against the true God [the God that he had deceived himself into thinking he had been serving all those years], sought to destroy Jesus’ saving name, subverted faith and the Gospel, and robbed sinners of a heavenly treasure.” (TPB, p.27)

(Point to consider: Do I, do we as Christians, ever do any of these things?)

* Note: “The present tense of the verb [“of whom I am the worst”] indicates that Paul’s self-designation remains valid, even though he has been absolved and saved by Christ Jesus. Christians do not cease to sin until the life of the world to come. In this life we remain saints (people made holy through faith in Jesus) and sinners.” (TLSB, 1:15)

3)(SG, #14) — Note the richness of the “glorious Gospel (v.11)” in this brief “trustworthy saying” of 1 Timothy 1:15, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” This is one of the most comforting passages in the Why is this so comforting?

*”Every word contains a sermon:

One; “Christ — the eternal Son of God promised as the Messiah, the Anointed

Jesus — true man, the Son of Mary, so named ‘because He will save His people from their sins’ (Matthew 1:21);

came — sent by the Father, willingly leaving the glory that was His from eternity;

into the world — humbly placing himself under the Law and being tempted as we are (but without sin), obedient even to the humiliating death on the cross;

to save — His one great goal and accomplishment ‘to seek and to save what was lost’ (Luke 19:10);

sinners — [all of us; our sins eternally destroy us,] ‘but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us’ (Romans 5:8).” (TPB, pp.26-27)

*We can safely and assuredly base our faith on the Gospel of Christ Jesus, for it is trustworthy. The faithful and unbounded grace of God, which Paul experienced in a tremendous way…Trustworthy, faithful sayings of pure Gospel truth that is absolutely reliable, and so “deserves full acceptance.” (SG, p. 72, #14; TPB, p.26)

4.   1 Timothy 1:16-20, A firm foundation of the mercy and grace from God our Father through Christ Jesus, in whom we continue to “fight the good fight of faith.”

 a. 16, God turned what was “worst” in Paul to a useful purpose. This became for all future believers an example of God’s boundless mercy, a display of His perfect unlimited patience. (TPB, p. 27; TLSB, 1:16)

1) “When God delays judgment against sin, this patience is an occasion for repentance and .. God would also graciously deal with other sinners who would repent and believe in the future.” (TLSB, 1:16)

2) “God does not condone what is “worst” in He doesn’t nullify His judgment upon sin. His mercy and patience aim at faith and eternal life through Christ” (TPB, p.28).

*Peter 3:9 — “The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wanting anyone to perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

3) “When we contemplate our own sins, what patience God has shown also toward us! And what patience we must show as we tell of Christ to even the worst of sinners.” (TPB, p.28)

b. v17, Grateful praise and heartfelt doxology in the light of such boundless mercy!

c. (SG, #15). — 18, “fight the good fight…”. (EHV, NIV); “wage the good warfare” (ESV). In what way is the life of a Christian like warfare? How in particular was this a necessary “charge” of warfare for Timothy?

1)These words remind Timothy of his call to serve in Gospel ministry, reminding him by Whom he was chosen and (Similarly for our pastors today.) (TLSB, 1:18; TPB, p 29; SG p.73 #15)…

*Instruction to combat false teachers, to make sure that only the true Gospel of Grace in Christ is He is charged in battle to silence those in Ephesus teaching different doctrines.

*His ministry would be an ongoing battle against Satan and his forces. See Ephesians 6:10-17. Timothy had been well fortified and equipped for fighting against sin and doctrinal error.

d. (SG, #16) — v 19-20, “holding faith and a good conscience.” …Without these, the battle is The conscience is guided by God’s Word of Truth, as faith is nourished by this means of grace, God’s word. (TPB, pp. 29-30)

1) “As long as a Christian remains in faith, he or she will have a good conscience before God. One cannot keep his or her faith and enjoy the peace of God in one’s heart while playing fast and loose with the Word of God. Such people will get shipwrecked in the faith. Paul mentions two teachers who had this sad ” (SG, p. 73, #16)

 2) Note: 20, “handed over to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.” (ESV).

*Excommunication: “Paul excluded these two men from the church, which was considered a sanctuary from Satan’s power. Out in the world, away from the fellowship and care of the church, they would be taught not to blaspheme. The purpose of such drastic action was more remedial than punitive.” (CSB, 1:20).

*”The goal of excommunication is that the sinner be led to repentance and be restored to the faith previously rejected.” (TLSB, 1:20)

e. (SG, #17) — Point to ponder: “Why do some fall away after being confirmed?” Something to consider, in light of Matthew 7:24, our faith must rest on the firm foundation of God’s Word, or Satan will overthrow (Oh, the need to keep growing in the truths of God’s word… at any age.)

f. (SG, #18) — “Teaching false doctrine is a form of blasphemy, because it dishonors God…” Christ gave His church on earth “the keys” to ultimately lead those in such grave sin to repentance and restoration. The declaration of God’s judgment (“the binding key”) is used with the goal and hope of the unrepentant false teacher and sinner coming to repentance and receiving the forgiveness of sins (“the loosing key”). (Matthew 16:19; Matthew 18:15-17; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20). (SG, pp. 17, 73 #18; A study or reading of “The Keys” in Luther’s Small Catechism, pp.327-341 [see reference at end of these notes.])

g. How grateful we should be for our church Synod where we receive God’s Word in it’s truth and purity, where our pastors are so faithful to the sound doctrine to which they’ve been entrusted. We are so blessed! “How Firm the Foundation” (opening hymn stanza of these notes above), the Foundation of this Faith we’ve been given!!! We continue to pray for our pastors! And pray for the Lord to raise up more pastors and teachers, who are trained, called, diligent, and faithful to God’s Word!!

One more hymn about this firm foundation…
1 The Church’s one foundation
is Jesus Christ, her Lord;
she is His new creation by water and the Word.|
From heaven He came and sought her to be His holy bride;
with His own blood He bought her, and for her life He died.

2 Elect from every nation, yet one o’er all the earth;
her charter of salvation: one Lord, one faith, one birth.
One holy name she blesses, partakes one holy food,
and to one hope she presses, with every grace endued.

3. The Church shall never Her dear Lord to defend,
to guide, sustain, and cherish, is with her to the end.
Tho’ there be those that hate her and strive to see her fail,
against both foe and traitor she ever shall prevail.

4. Tho’ with a scornful wonder the world sees her oppressed,
by schisms rent asunder, by heresies distressed,
yet saints their watch are keeping; their cry goes up, “How long?”
and soon the night of weeping shall be the morn of song.

5. ‘Mid toil and tribulation and tumult of her war
she waits the consummation of peace forevermore
till with the vision glorious her longing eyes are blest,
and the great Church victorious shall be the Church at rest.

From Christian Worship Hymnal (2021), #855

Women’s Bible Study, Sept. 27, 2024
Holy Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church

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Highlights & notes for Introduction to Paul’s Pastoral Epistles
(Resource notations explained at end of weekly notes.)

1. General information about the Pastoral Epistles
 a. To whom and reason for Paul writing these letters:
 1) Pastoral counsel to Timothy and to Titus, who were coworkers, “sons of the faith” to their spiritual father Paul, and who were loved and especially close to Paul. Paul had chosen Timothy  and Titus, coworkers that he had trained, to carry on the Lord’s mission.

* “[Paul] is led by the Holy Spirit to give divine counsel to those who will succeed him in order that the Gospel and its ministry will continue just as he received them from the Lord.” (SG, p.9)

 2) These letters are often called “Pastoral Epistles” not necessarily because of who Paul addresses, but because these letters address issues concerning the Office of the Holy Ministry (the pastoral office). (SG, p.9)

* Timothy and Titus were not apostles, and they were probably not what we would consider to be a pastor (an overseer) of a specific congregation. Rather, we’ll see in this study that Paul gives them instructions about pastors, about shepherds of congregational flocks. It may be best to regard Timothy (and Titus) as apostolic representatives, delegated by Paul to carry out special work (as Paul had done, Acts 14:23) in establishing & organizing churches within the regional Church, and selecting, teaching, and guiding elders (Titus 1:5) in their appointed pastoral role within a church. (CSB, Introduction to 1 Timothy)

3) These letters are also written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit to all generations yet to come, to pastors and to all church members, with instruction and encouragement “to maintain faithfulness to the Lord and to keep the faith.” (TPB, p.1; SG,p.9)

b. General content of the Pastoral Epistles:
1) These epistles contain pastoral advice to Timothy and to Titus on how to deal with problems in churches both in Ephesus and in Crete. Paul gives advice as to qualifications for pastors and lay leaders, with instructions on worship, and instructions on “how they are to serve the members of their flocks, the young and the elderly, the widows and the older men, the wealthy  and the servants.” Paul also warns of the significant problematic issue of false teachers and false doctrine! He “encourages faithfulness in teaching and godliness in conduct.” (TBP, p.1)

 2) Note: The word pastor is derived from the Latin word for shepherd. Timothy and Titus were more than pastors, as we understand that role. They had the responsibility of overseeing shepherding) the development of an entire church body in a specific region, which would have included several smaller house churches. (Recall our study in Acts 20:17-38, Paul’s meeting in Miletus with the elders from Ephesus. The church of Ephesus was actually made up of a number of local churches or congregations [house churches, since church buildings were not constructed until the third century].) Paul provided instruction and encouragement to both Timothy and Titus in their work of building up the church body in such a way so that the local churches in Ephesus and in Crete could stand on their own. (SG; and our Acts study notes)

c. Primary reason for Paul writing these letters, which guided the content of these letters (again under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, God’s word given): Paul’s deep concern for the future of the Church is evident in these epistles.

1) Paul provides instruction & encouragement for the ministry of the Church.
2) He warns of false doctrine.
3) He encourages faithfulness unto Christ.

2.  An overview of the First Epistle to Timothy
a. The historical setting (TPB, pp.6-7; SG, p.10, pp.68-69; CSB Introduction to 1 Timothy):
1) Timothy’s hometown of Lystra, where Paul preached the Gospel, on his first missionary journey (Acts 14:6b-8)

2) Son of a Jewish mother and Greek father, and in early childhood was taught the Old Testament Scriptures by his Jewish mother and grandmother. Timothy had not been circumcised as an infant child.

3) Timothy and his mother evidently became Christian during Paul’s first missionary journey when he came to Lystra and preached the Gospel.

4) When Paul returned to Lystra on his second missionary journey, Timothy was recommended to Paul as a helper to assist Paul in his missionary work. Timothy was a young man with a sincere faith, chosen by Paul to be one of his traveling companions and co-workers.

5) Paul circumcised Timothy, not as a requirement for salvation, but in Christian liberty, for the sake of the Gospel, in order that Timothy would be more readily received by the Jews. (Recall our study of Acts 15, the Council at Jerusalem.)

6) Though he was young and inclined to be timid, Timothy set an example to others in speech, life, love, faith, and purity. (1 Timothy 4:12).

7) Timothy had special gifts from the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 1:6), which when combined with his dedicated faithfulness unto the Lord and the Lord’s work (1 Cor. 4:17), made Timothy a valuable help during Paul’s missionary journeys in the spread of the Gospel.

8) Timothy accompanied Paul during much of the second and third missionary journeys. While our study of Acts mentioned many of the places Timothy went with Paul, of great significance for this study is the work done in Ephesus for over 2 years during Paul’s third missionary journey.

9) Timothy was with Paul at the end of the third missionary journey, on the return to Jerusalem, along with the other representatives from the various churches bringing the collection to help out the Christians who were in need due to the famine there. Timothy was most likely there a few days later when Paul was arrested in Jerusalem.

10) When Paul was finally sent to Rome and during those two years under house arrest, Timothy went there to spend time with Paul during his first imprisonment in Rome (Philemon 1).

11) From Rome Paul would send out Timothy and other of his representatives on various important missions (and pastoral calls) to encourage congregations he had established previously.

12) Paul sent Timothy to Ephesus to continue the work they had started there, and to encourage and instruct the churches there, After 2 years under house arrest, Paul was released (A.D. 63)  from Rome, and Paul traveled to revisit churches to teach and encourage them, and possibly to start new ones (always the missionary wherever he was and wherever he went!).

13) After his release, Paul joined Timothy in Ephesus, where Paul had concerns of the trouble that false teachers were causing in congregations (Acts 20:28-29). After a time with Timothy in Ephesus, Paul left for Macedonia and kept Timothy in charge of the work in Ephesus.

14) In order to help encourage Timothy, Paul wrote his first letter to Timothy from Macedonian about A.D. 64 or 65.

15) Paul’s closeness to and admiration of Timothy are seen in Paul’s naming him as the co-sender of six of his letters (2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians, 1,2 Thessalonians and Philemon).

b. Who was Timothy, his life and character? (exercise #1 from SG, p.10-11):
             1) Acts 16:1-3 –
             2) Acts 17:14-15 –
             3) Acts 18:5 –
             4) Acts 19:22 –
             5) 2 Timothy 1:5 –
             6) 2 Timothy 3:15 –
             7) Philippians 2:19-23 –
            8) 1 Thessalonians 1:1 –
            9) 2 Thessalonians 1 –
           10) 1 Corinthians 16:10 –
           11) 2 Corinthians 1:1 –
           12) Romans 16:21 –
           13) Colossians 1:1 –

c. How Paul addresses Timothy (SG, p.11 #2):
            1) 1 Timothy 1:1-3 –
            2) 2 Timothy 1:1-5 –

3. An overview of the Second Epistle to Timothy
a. The historical setting (TPB, pp.107-108; SG, p.11; CSB Introduction to 2 Timothy):
1) Near the end of his life, when Paul was facing execution during his second imprisonment (a harsh imprisonment this time under Nero who had changed his position concerning the Christians, and was now persecuting the Christians severely), Paul wrote his second epistle to Timothy, requested Timothy come visit him in prison as soon as possible.

2) “Nothing certain can be said about Timothy’s later life. According to Hebrews 13:23, he may have suffered imprisonment from which he was released. Tradition has Timothy continuing as the first bishop of Ephesus until martyrdom under Nerva in A.D. 97.” (TPB, p.7)

3) The sequence in our Bibles has 2 Timothy as the second of the pastoral letters. Chronologically, however, it is the third. In fact, this is the last of all the letters written by the apostle Paul.

4) The reasons for writing this epistle (CSB, TLSB, TPB):
     * Personal needs, and he was lonely
     * Concern for Timothy and the church.
     * His “farewell letter,” leaving “his dearest friend and the Lord’s church these words of encouragement in written form.” (TPB, p.108)

b. Note how the tone of this letter** differs from the letters Paul wrote during his first imprisonment*, when he was certain he would be acquitted and set free (exercise #3 from SG, pp.11 & 69):
            *1) Philippians 2:24 –
            *2) Philippians 1:25 –
            *3) Philemon 22 –
          **4) 2 Timothy 4:6 –
          **5) 2 Timothy 4:16 –
 (Note: In either case, it is by God’s grace alone that Paul and all Christians are well-prepared for the Lord calling us Home to be with Him, the moment we depart this world in death and go from life to Life to be with our Savior eternally.)

c. What Paul longs for, as he expresses to Timothy in this letter (SG, pp.11 & 69 #4):
              1) 2 Timothy 1:4 –
              2) 2 Timothy 4:9 –
              3) 2 Timothy 4:21 –

4. An overview of the Epistle to Titus

a. The historical setting (SG, pp.12,69-70; TPB, pp.174-175; CSB Introduction to Titus):
1) This epistle isn’t chronologically the third of the pastoral epistles. Paul wrote Titus about the same time as Paul’s first letter to Timothy, written from Macedonia, possibly Philippi, in the fall of A.D. 63.

2) Titus is another faithful coworker with Paul. But we don’t know much about Titus. Luke did not mention him in the Book of Acts.

3) Titus is first mentioned in Galatians 2:3, where Paul speaks of him as a Gentile Christian. Recall from our study of Galatians that Paul refused to circumcise Titus when the Judaizers demanded it was necessary for being a true Christian. Paul refused in this situation for the sake of the Gospel.

4) Titus accompanied Paul to the Council at Jerusalem, Acts 15.

5) Paul mentions Titus often in the second epistle to the Corinthians. Titus worked with Paul at Ephesus during the third missionary journey, and from there Paul sent him to Corinth to help that church with its work.

6) When Paul stopped on the island of Crete after his first imprisonment in Rome, he and Titus worked briefly in Crete, and Paul had Titus stay there as his representative and to complete                 needed work there. Titus was a very capable and resourceful leader, probably younger than Paul, but older than Timothy. He was trusted and a respected troubleshooter, which Crete                 needed.

7) Later, upon Paul’s request, Titus met Paul at Nicopolis (in Greece), and then went on a mission journey to Dalmatia (modern Yugoslavia). Last mentioned in the NT in 2 Timothy 4:10.

       b. What we learn about Titus in 2 Corinthians (exercise from SG, p.12 #5):
            1) 2 Cor. 2:13 –
           2) 2 Cor. 7:6 –
           3) 2 Cor. 7:7 –
           4) 2 Cor. 7:13-15 –
           5) 2 Cor. 8:16-18 –
           6) 2 Cor. 8:23 –
           7) 2 Cor.12:18 –
* “It is clear that Titus was a vital part of Paul’s ministry in Greece and Asia Minor. He is a trusted brother and esteemed minister of the Gospel. He shared Paul’s own pastoral work and spirit in ministering to the difficult church in Corinth. Titus was charged with receiving a collection from the Corinthians and showed pastoral sensitivity in dealing with them in the face of  a disciplinary matter.” (SG, p.69 #5)

c. How Paul addresses Titus in Titus 1:4 – :
   “To Titus, my true child* in our common faith:
    Grace and peace from God our Father
    and Christ Jesus our Savior.” (EHV)
   *[“my true son” NIV]

1) Paul may have led Titus, a Gentile, to faith in Christ, in effect becoming his spiritual father. (TLSB 1:4)

2 “As with Timothy, Paul is reminding all who would question Titus’s authority or legitimacy that Paul himself has appointed this man and he enjoys the apostle’s full approval. The words ‘in a common faith’ affirm that Titus’s doctrine is that which is revealed in the Gospel and therefore known and believed by all true Christians and not may know.” (SG, p.70 #6a)
d. The special task Paul gave Titus to do in Crete, Titus 1:5 –
    “The reason I left you in Crete was so that you would set in order
     the things that were left unfinished
    and appoint elders in every city, as I directed you.” (EHV)
* This appears to be “putting into order” the “unfinished” work of organizing and establishing these churches, with significance placed upon the appointing of elders/pastors for churches in every town. Most important is that these churches are provided with qualified pastors. The significance and priority of the pastoral ministry for our churches is evident. (TPB, pp.181-182; TLSB 1:5; SG, p.70 #6b)

e. Paul’s description of the Cretans in Titus 1:12 –
 “One of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said,
  ‘Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.'” (ESV)

1) This is a description of the Old Adam in all of us, and as manifested in the world’s various cultures. These sins interfere with hearing and believing the Gospel. Note the sins prevalent in our own culture or community that lead us to not always hear God’s Word in its truth and purity. (SG, p.70, #7)

2) I think this explanation from TLSB is more fitting, considering the context: “Paul likely cites the passage as a rebuke to the Cretan false teachers and not to Cretans generally. He challenges the Cretan churches to reject the false teachers among them, who apparently claimed prophetic authority. This teaching strategy suggests that Paul wanted Titus to share the Letter publicly with the churches on Crete.” (TLSB 1:12)

5. Note how the Lord’s instructions through Paul in these Pastoral Epistles to pastors are also important for all of us believers (SG, p.13, p.70, #8):…
a. …Helping us recognize and understand the ministry of the Gospel within the Church, teaching us what we can expect from Christ’s Church and from pastors that He gives us.
* This is needful because “Christians often have unbiblical expectations that prevent them from appreciating and receiving the true gifts of Christ.”

b. …Helping us to better assist, care, and pray for our pastors.

c. The spiritual truths Paul wrote in these letters apply to all of us in Christ. We are each a member of His Church, and as such these truths touch upon “all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:12)
1) These letters, with instructions regarding pastors, are also letters to church members. The instructions the Lord gives are to pastors and to church members. And the encouragement these           letters provide are for the entire church., Every member can hear and learn, and grow together as the body of Christ, the Church of His own making. (TPB, p.1)

2) “Laypeople may be tempted to think that these letters do not concern them. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Understanding just what the will of our Lord is regarding the work of ministers, will help [laypeople/church members] to not only be humble and grateful recipients of their pastors’ service, but genuinely useful assistants and friends to them.” (SG, p.9)

Regarding resource notations used throughout this study:
I like to call these highlights and notes “Nuggets” from trusted resources that we’ve used to help understand the passages we’re studying.
1. The notes with quotation marks are direct quotes from the resource indicated.
2. The notes without quotation marks, but with resource notation, are a paraphrase or a collection of highlights from the resource(s) indicated.
3. Finally, some of these notes relate to previous studies we have done, and so these are thoughts about the Scripture passage from previous learning (from our study of other Scriptures             which help us understand this particular Scripture… “Scripture interpreting Scripture” in action). For those notes there are no resources indicated, but which are most likely to be found in              the references listed below
4. Below are the primary resources that I use throughout our studies. Occasionally there will be other resources, which I will spell out in the notation (such as Luther’s Small and Large  Catechisms, Augsburg Confession, Formula of Concord, “What Luther Says”).

TPB = “The People’s Bible (Commentary): 1,2 Timothy, Titus” 2nd edition, by Armin W. Schuetze. Northwestern Publishing House, Milwaukee, WI. 2000 (2nd ed.). (Originally published 1988)
TLSB = The Lutheran Study Bible, English Standard Version, General editor Rev. Edward A. Engelbrecht. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO. Published 2009.
CSB = Concordia Self-Study Bible, New International Version, General editor Robert G. Hoerber. St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis MO. 1986.
SG = Study Guide used in our Women’s Bible Study (by participants in-person and via Zoom): “1 and 2 Timothy, Titus: Keeping the Faith” by A.C. Mueller. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis,
MO. 2006. (This is part of the Bible study series “God’s Word for Today”)

Most commonly used Bible translations used:
EHV = Evangelical Heritage Version
ESV = English Standard Version
NIV = New International Version