Last Sunday after the Epiphany

The Transfiguration of our Lord                                     February 27, 2022


Today’s Theme for Worship: Glory Uncovered: When it is most hidden, it is most on display. For God’s glory to be revealed, it actually must be covered. It is hidden in the gospel. This is how God enables sinful human beings to see his glory and, rather than turning away in fear, stare at it in wonder for as long as they want.


Hymn: 543 O Jesus, King Most Wonderful

1  O Jesus, King most wonderful, O Majesty renowned,

O Conqueror invincible, In whom all joys are found,


2  When once you visit darkened hearts, Then truth begins to shine,

Then earthly vanity departs, Then kindles love divine.


3  O Jesus, Light of all below, O Fount of life and fire,

Surpassing all the joys we know, All that we can desire,


4  May ev’ry heart confess your name, Forever you adore,

Enkindled with the Spirit’s flame To love you more and more.


5  Oh, may our tongues forever bless And honor you alone,

And may we in our lives express The image of your own!


Text: attr. Bernard of Clairvaux, 1091-1153, abr.; tr. Edward Caswall, 1814-78, alt.


Order of Service: Morning Praise, New Service Settings


P: O Lord, open my lips.

C: (sing)And my mouth shall declare your praise.


P: Hasten to save me, O God

C: (sing)O Lord, come quickly to help me.


P: Give glory to God, our light and our life.

C: (sing) Come, oh, come, let us worship.


Come, Oh, Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord

Come, oh, come, let us sing to the Lord,

let us shout with joy to our saving Rock;

come, enter in with our songs of praise,

come enter in with thanksgiving.


Come, oh, come, let us sing to the Lord,

let us shout with joy to our saving Rock;

come, enter in with our songs of praise,

come enter in with thanksgiving.


You are a great and a wondrous God,

cupping in your hands all the depths of earth.

You made the hills and the mountains high,

you made the seas and the dry land.


Come, oh, come, let us sing to the Lord,

let us shout with joy to our saving Rock;

come, enter in with our songs of praise,

come enter in with thanksgiving.


Come, let us worship and, bowing low,

kneel before the One who has made us all.

You are God whom we call our own,

we are the flock that you shepherd.


Come, oh, come, let us sing to the Lord,

let us shout with joy to our saving Rock;

come, enter in with our songs of praise,

come enter in with thanksgiving.



Confession and Absolution


P: Dear friends, let us approach God with a true heart and confess our sins, asking him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us.


Stanza 1

O Jesus, Lamb of God, you are

My comfort and my guiding star;

I come, a sinner, trustingly

And bring my many sins with me.


C: O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear.  I am bowed down and brought very low; I groan in anguish of heart. I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin. O Lord, do not forsake me; be not far from me. Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Savior. (selected verses from Psalm 38)


Stanza 2

O Lord, my sin indeed is great;

I groan beneath the dreadful weight.

Be merciful to me I pray;

Take guilt and punishment away.




Stanza 3

Saint John the Baptist points to you

And bids me cast my sin on you,

For you have left your throne on high

To suffer for the world and die.


P: Because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive in Christ even when we were dead in transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved. In Jesus you have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. (Ephesians 2:4-5 & 1:7)

C: We have been brought from death to life. Sin shall not be our master, because we are not under law, but under grace. (Romans 6:13-14)


Stanza 4

Help me to change my ways, O Lord,

And gladly to obey your Word.

While here I live, abide with me,

Then take me home eternally.


Psalm 63 (p. 6)


Refrain (congregation sings)

In the morning I will sing,

I will sing glad songs to you,

I will sing glad songs of praise to you.

I will sing glad songs of praise to you.


O God, you are my God;

for you I long; for you my soul is thirsting.

My body pines for you like a dry,

weary land without water. 

So I gaze on you in the sanctuary

to see your strength and your glory


Refrain (congregation sings)

In the morning I will sing,

I will sing glad songs to you,

I will sing glad songs of praise to you. 

I will sing glad songs of praise to you.


For your love is better than life,

my lips will speak your praise. 

So I will bless you all my life, in your name

I will lift up my hands. 

My soul shall be filled as with a banquet,

my mouth shall praise you with joy.


Refrain (congregation sings)

In the morning I will sing,

I will sing glad songs to you,

I will sing glad songs of praise to you. 

I will sing glad songs of praise to you.


On my bed I remember you. 

On you I muse through the night,

for you have been my help;

in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.

My soul clings to you;

your right hand holds me fast.



In the morning I will sing,

I will sing glad songs to you,

I will sing glad songs of praise to you. 

I will sing glad songs of praise to you.


First Reading Exodus 34:29-35

29When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain, Moses did not realize that the skin of his face was shining because he had been speaking with the Lord. 30When Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses, they were amazed that the skin of his face was shining, so they were afraid to come close to him. 31Moses called to them, so Aaron and all the rulers of the community returned to him, and Moses spoke to them. 32Afterward all the people of Israel came close to him, and he gave them all of the commands that the Lord had spoken to him on Mount Sinai. 33When Moses was finished speaking with them, he put a veil over his face. 34But whenever Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him, he would take the veil off until he came out again. Then he would come out and tell the people of Israel what he had been commanded. 35Whenever the people of Israel saw Moses’ face, they would see that the skin of Moses’ face was shining. Then Moses would put the veil on his face again, until he went in to speak with the Lord again.


Children’s Choir  We Are Singing


Second Reading 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

If the ministry that brought death (which was engraved in letters on stone) came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look directly at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face (though it was fading), how will the ministry of the spirit[a] not be much more glorious? For if the ministry that brought condemnation has glory, the ministry that brought righteousness has even more glory. 10 In fact, in this case, what was glorious is no longer very glorious, because of the greater glory of that which surpasses it. 11 Indeed, if what is fading away was glorious, how much more glorious is that which is permanent!

12 Therefore, since we have this kind of hope, we act with great boldness. 13 We are not like Moses, who put a veil over his face, so that the Israelites could not continue to look at the end of the radiance, as it was fading away. 14 In spite of this, their minds were hardened. Yes, up to the present day, the same veil remains when the Old Testament is read. It has not been removed because it is taken away only in Christ. 15 Instead, to this day, whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their hearts. 16 But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 But all of us who reflect the Lord’s glory with an unveiled face are being transformed into his own image, from one degree of glory to another. This too is from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Gospel Luke 9:28-36

28About eight days after he said these words, Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray. 29While he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothing became dazzling white. 30Just then, two men, Moses and Elijah, were talking with him! 31They appeared in glory and were talking about his departure, which he was going to bring to fulfillment in Jerusalem.

32Peter and those with him were weighed down with sleep, but when they were completely awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him.

33As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let’s make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He did not realize what he was saying.

34While he was saying these things, a cloud came and overshadowed them. They were afraid as they went into the cloud. 35Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!” 36After the voice had spoken, they found Jesus alone. They kept this secret and told no one in those days any of the things they had seen.

Seasonal Response

P: We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.


Hymn of the Day: 388 Down from the Mount of Glory


1  Down from the mount of glory Came Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Recall the wondrous story, Rich gem in sacred Word.

Again your faith will view him In double glory here;

The greater homage due him Will in your life appear.


2  Transfigured, Christ, the lowly, Stood radiant in the light,

Light found in Godhead solely, For human eyes too bright.

Then came a voice from heaven, Confirmed what here we see;

The words “my Son” were given To seal his deity.


3  Yet mark this glory hidden! See him the mount descend

And, by the Father bidden, His willing footsteps bend

To seek humiliation In deepest depths of woe,

To suffer degradation No mind can probe or know.


4  Strange how his journey ended! In love that is his fame

Our Lord again ascended A mount-the hill of shame.

Upon the cross he proffered Himself to agony;

His holy soul he offered To set the guilty free.


5  Then hail the double glory Of Jesus Christ, our Lord,

And let the wondrous story Full peace and joy afford!

The holy mount acclaims him The majesty divine;

Mount Calvary proclaims him Redeemer-yours and mine.


Text: Werner H. Franzmann, 1905-96. © 1968 Werner H. Franzmann. All rights reserved.

Used by permission.




You are God; We Praise You (p. 7)      


You are God; we praise you.

You are Lord; we acclaim you.

To you, O Father holy, all creation offers praise.


With the angels in heaven, 

We praise you, we praise you!

With cherubim and seraphim,

We praise you, we praise you!

With apostles and prophets,

We praise you, we praise you!

With the martyrs and your holy Church

We sing in endless praise!

You are God; we praise you.

You are Lord; we acclaim you.

To you, O Father holy, all creation offers praise.


Creator of all things

We praise you, we praise you!

O Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

We praise you, we praise you!

O Spirit, most holy,

We praise you, we praise you!

To the Trinity most blessed,

We sing in endless praise!

You are God; we praise you.

You are Lord; we acclaim you.

To you, O Father holy, all creation offers praise.


O Christ, King of glory,

We praise you, we praise you!

You became a man to set us free; 

We praise you, we praise you!

You have risen to free us; 

We praise you, we praise you!

And with all your saints in glory,

We sing in endless praise!


You are God; we praise you. 

You are Lord; we acclaim you.

To you, O Father holy,

all creation offers praise,

all creation offers praise, 

all creation offers praise.



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Preschool – Praise Him, Praise Him, All You Little Children


Preschool and Children’s Choir – Luther’s Morning Prayer


Lord, Have Mercy (p. 10)

P: In the morning, O Lord, I call to you; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.

C: (sing) Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.


Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,

 hallowed be your name,

 your kingdom come,

 your will be done

  on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins,

 as we forgive those

 who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

 and the glory are yours

 now and forever. Amen.


Prayer of the Church


Hymn  633 Speak O Lord

1 To receive the food of your Holy Word.

Take your truth, plant it deep in us;

Shape and fashion us in your likeness

That the light of Christ might be seen today

In our acts of love and our deeds of faith.

Speak, O Lord, and fulfill in us

All your purposes for your glory.


2 Teach us, Lord, full obedience,

Holy reverence, true humility.

Test our thoughts and our attitudes

In the radiance of your purity.

Cause our faith to rise, cause our eyes to see

Your majestic love and authority.

Words of pow'r that can never fail,

Let their truth prevail over unbelief.


3 Speak, O Lord, and renew our minds;

Help us grasp the heights of your plans for us.

Truths unchanged from the dawn of time,

That will echo down through eternity.

And by grace we'll stand on your promises,

And by faith we'll walk as you walk with us.

Speak, O Lord, till your Church is built

And the earth is filled with your glory


Prayer for Grace


P: O Lord, our heavenly Father, almighty and everlasting God, you have brought us safely to this new day. Defend us with your mighty power, and grant that this day we neither fall into sin nor run into any kind of danger; and in all we do, direct us to what is right in your sight, through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord.

C: (sing) Amen



P: Let us praise the Lord

C: (sing) Thanks be to God


P: The Lord bless and keep you.

C: (sing) Amen


P: The Lord's face ever shine upon you

C: (sing) Amen


P: The Lord grant you peace for all your days.

C: (sing) Amen


Closing Hymn: 713 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light


1  I want to walk as a child of the light; I want to follow Jesus.

God set the stars to give light to the world; The star of my life is Jesus.


In him there is no darkness at all; The night and the day are both alike.

The Lamb is the light of the city of God. Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus.


2  I want to see the brightness of God; I want to look at Jesus.

Clear Sun of Righteousness, shine on my path And show me the way to the Father.


In him there is no darkness at all; The night and the day are both alike.

The Lamb is the light of the city of God. Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus.


3  I’m looking for the coming of Christ; I want to be with Jesus.

When we have run with patience the race, We shall know the joy of Jesus.


In him there is no darkness at all; The night and the day are both alike.

The Lamb is the light of the city of God. Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus.


Text: © 1970, 1975 Celebration. Used by permission. OneLicense no. 703297